This is Narayanan I’m pursuing a B.E Computer Science at SNS College of Engineering in Coimbatore Academic year (2019 – 2023) I would like to thank the Nachiappan Foundation they have changed my entire life by supporting me from my 10th standard to my college final year. It will be a daydream of pursuing engineering if they have not helped me, I can’t be here where I’m right now. I’m studying without any barriers because of their constant support and guidance I have scored top rank in my college all the credits go to ALAGAPPAN sir and NACHIAPPAN FOUNDATION. My short time goal is to become a Full Stack Developer and I’m working on it. I have been selected for the internship at a top company. I’m developing my skills day by day to get placed in a well-reputed company where I can provide my knowledge and obtain real-time experiences and my long-time goal is to help others with financial support like how the Nachiappan foundation helped me through my tough times. My heartfelt thanks to Nachiappan Foundation.
M S Narayanan